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Člověk jsem duhová víla

Joined: 10 Jan 2010 Posts: 14060
Posted: Wed 2.2.2022 11:24 Post subject: Nakopavarna |
Pravidla hry jsou jednoducha.
Rekni/napis neco peknyho. (neco, co potesi ostatni na aorte).
Jsem zvedava, jak tato hra pojede..(anebo pojede do kytek  ) _________________ * Peace * Authenticity *Gratitude * Nonviolence * Honesty * Kindfulness *
** every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.
make peace, be kind.
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Hyenečka kytky 8, konec

Joined: 07 Apr 2008 Posts: 27041
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Člověk jsem duhová víla

Joined: 10 Jan 2010 Posts: 14060
Posted: Thu 3.2.2022 0:32 Post subject: |
muze to byt cokoliv. fotka, song, neco, co potesi vsechny anebo i neco konkretniho pro nekoho konkretniho.
kazdopadne tedy vykopavam:
Bud na sebe dnes hodna (protoze je tezky byt stastna, kdyz je na tebe stale nekdo kriticky, prisny a osklivy). _________________ * Peace * Authenticity *Gratitude * Nonviolence * Honesty * Kindfulness *
** every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.
make peace, be kind.
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alishka kytky 7, meta: 12150

Joined: 03 Jan 2007 Posts: 12045
Posted: Thu 3.2.2022 8:46 Post subject: |
Tak ja vkládám roztomilé kotě, které určitě potěší, protože mrňavec je k zulíbání
 _________________ Albert Einstein:
Pouze dvě věci jsou nekonečné. Vesmír a lidská hloupost. u té první si tím však nejsem tak jist |
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Leni.ce kytky 8, meta: 24650

Joined: 11 Jul 2012 Posts: 24503
Posted: Thu 3.2.2022 8:51 Post subject: |
od 9.2. se nemusí prokazovat "bezinfekčnost"  _________________ Než někoho odsoudíš, obuj si jeho boty a přejdi jeho cestu, přejdi jeho minulost, okus jeho slzy, zažij jeho bolest, radost, přejdi roky, kterými prošel on, klopýtni na každém kameni, na kterém klopýtl. Za každým klopýtnutím vstaň a jdi dál tak, jak to udělal on. A až potom můžeš chování druhých soudit a tvrdit, že někoho znáš. Ano, nesuď člověka, dokud se neprojdeš v jeho botách. |
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Seventh Sister 11

Joined: 09 Sep 2007 Posts: 26746
Posted: Thu 3.2.2022 13:57 Post subject: |
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Člověk jsem duhová víla

Joined: 10 Jan 2010 Posts: 14060
Posted: Fri 4.2.2022 7:44 Post subject: |
dneska te nic nemuze rozhodit, protoze VIIIKEND!!!!! (a f&@ck off vsichni, kdo by se o to chteli jen pokusit)
btw. cestovatelka je bozi  _________________ * Peace * Authenticity *Gratitude * Nonviolence * Honesty * Kindfulness *
** every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.
make peace, be kind.
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Člověk jsem duhová víla

Joined: 10 Jan 2010 Posts: 14060
Posted: Sat 5.2.2022 5:15 Post subject: |
_________________ * Peace * Authenticity *Gratitude * Nonviolence * Honesty * Kindfulness *
** every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.
make peace, be kind.
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Člověk jsem duhová víla

Joined: 10 Jan 2010 Posts: 14060
Posted: Sat 5.2.2022 5:16 Post subject: |
_________________ * Peace * Authenticity *Gratitude * Nonviolence * Honesty * Kindfulness *
** every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.
make peace, be kind.
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Člověk jsem duhová víla

Joined: 10 Jan 2010 Posts: 14060
Posted: Sat 19.2.2022 13:28 Post subject: |
Udelej si dnes necim radost. Udelej neco jen sama pro sebe. _________________ * Peace * Authenticity *Gratitude * Nonviolence * Honesty * Kindfulness *
** every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.
make peace, be kind.
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Člověk jsem duhová víla

Joined: 10 Jan 2010 Posts: 14060
Posted: Mon 7.3.2022 0:47 Post subject: |
sdilim citat od Dr. Norman Vincenta Peale, ktery jsem dnes cetla a prijde mi super:
"Whenever God wants to give us a big gift, he wraps it up in a big problem." _________________ * Peace * Authenticity *Gratitude * Nonviolence * Honesty * Kindfulness *
** every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.
make peace, be kind.
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Člověk jsem duhová víla

Joined: 10 Jan 2010 Posts: 14060
Posted: Mon 7.3.2022 8:34 Post subject: |
_________________ * Peace * Authenticity *Gratitude * Nonviolence * Honesty * Kindfulness *
** every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.
make peace, be kind.
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Člověk jsem duhová víla

Joined: 10 Jan 2010 Posts: 14060
Posted: Wed 20.4.2022 7:08 Post subject: |
tohle jsem dnes cetla a preposilam sem, libilo se mi to.
"Many good opportunities are ruined for the dream of slightly better ones.
Would you have a more successful career if you had taken that other job or moved cities? Possibly. But your actual career will definitely suffer if you don't commit to doing it to the best of your ability.
Would you be 10% happier in a different relationship? Maybe. Maybe not. But you'll definitely be unhappy in the one you have if you spend all day thinking about what else is out there.
The surefire way to end up worse off is to agonize over unchosen options and fail to make the most of the one you selected. Every minute spent yearning for your unlived lives is a moment you can't invest in the one you actually have.
Choices matter, but so does your level of commitment." _________________ * Peace * Authenticity *Gratitude * Nonviolence * Honesty * Kindfulness *
** every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.
make peace, be kind.
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Linda Evangelista kytky 8, meta: 20650

Joined: 19 Jan 2007 Posts: 20500
Posted: Mon 25.4.2022 11:34 Post subject: |
Nevím jestli to někoho nakopne, je to jen takové motto, které jsem si zapsala do diáře na tento týden - BUDU OVLÁDAT, CO MŮŽU OVLÁDAT! |
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Člověk jsem duhová víla

Joined: 10 Jan 2010 Posts: 14060
Posted: Fri 27.5.2022 6:29 Post subject: |
nevymyslela jsem to ja, ale libi se mi to.
“Every problem, every dilemma, every dead end we find ourselves facing in life, only appears unsolvable inside a particular frame or point of view. Enlarge the box, or create another frame around the data, and problems vanish, while new opportunities appear.” _________________ * Peace * Authenticity *Gratitude * Nonviolence * Honesty * Kindfulness *
** every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.
make peace, be kind.
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